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The iDCS Keysets are Samsung's latest digital telephones. The iDCS line includes a 28-button, an 18-button, and an 8-button set. All include a 2 line by 16 . -iDCS Keyset User Guide OS7200, 500R2, 100R2 -iDCS Digital. iDCS 28D Keyset.
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Aug 21, 2008. The feature code for Do Not Disturb on the Samsung iDCS 28D and IDCS18D (or any Samsung phone for that matter) is 40 + 1 for on or 0 for.
How do I turn on the ringer a Samsung iDCS 28D office phone?
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#545067 - 02/04/13 10:20 AM Samsung iDCS 28D problem. I understand how to change a DSS key as per the manual, however, the process only allows for.
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