best medicine for sore throat while pregnant

best medicine for sore throat while pregnant
I'm 34 weeks pregnant with a sore throat, any advice? - Yahoo! Answers.Treating a Sore Throat: Warm, Salt Water, Zinc Lozenges, and More.
What medicine can a pregnant women take for a sore throat? - Yahoo.
What Can I Take for a Sore Throat While Pregnant - Ask Community.
I am pregnant and my throat is very sore but it is…. Also, try a dehumidifier while your sleeping, go in the bathroom and take a steamy. do a search for what remedies to use for a sore throat. it's good to have a basic kit on.
i am 33 weeks pregnant and have a really sore throat. i have always been scared to take medicine during pregnancy but.
If you suspect you might have strep throat during pregnancy, the first rule of thumb is. than being sick with a sore throat when you're pregnant and already feeling crummy.. If the doctor determines that you have strep throat, you should get treatment, preferably. Dinosaurs are definitely at the top of the "cool" list for kids.
Ok so heres the thing, im pregnant right now about…. I didnt want to go to the doctor yet, unless it might be something serious, and i cant take much throat medicine cause im pregnant.. Best Answer - Chosen by Asker.
Aug 1, 2007. I have been not sick once while pregnant other than a yeast infection. Although , I'm not sure if that includes the cold medication or the regular painkiller.. your best bet is to ask the Pharmacist when you get to the drugstore.
Am Pregnant & Have A Sore Throat, Was Told In Uk Pharmacist No.
my best advice is better dont take any medications without doc advice.drink lillte warm. i had a really bad sore throat when i was liek 35 weeks pregnant my doctor gave me drops.. Is what I found to be the best remedy.
Mar 30, 2013. Get the basics on sore throat treatment from the experts at WebMD.. Family & Pregnancy. Featured. The best way for your doctor to know is to do a strep test or throat culture. Even an. With a towel draped over your head to trap the steam, lean over the sink while the hot water is running. Breathe deeply.
. ago; (Tiebreaker); Report Abuse · Sign in to Vote for the Best Answer. I think n the packet it says not to while pregnant. I had tonsillitis whist.
What's the Best Way to Prevent the Flu During Pregnancy? October or November is the best time to get vaccinated, but getting. WebMD Medical Reference.
What medicine is safe to take for sore throat and headache while.
best medicine for sore throat while pregnant
8 sore-throat soothers | Fox News.